Pompeo welcomes India's ban on Chinese apps including TikTok - Saralmontech - Easy And Simple Tech - Simplified!

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Pompeo welcomes India's ban on Chinese apps including TikTok

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Pompeo Welcomes India's Ban on Chinese Apps including TikTok

 Pompeo welcomes India's ban on Chinese apps including TikTok

On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised India's explicit ban on Chinese apps, including TickTock, saying New Delhi was ensuring its own security.

Pompeo also referred to the Chinese Communist Party, saying, "We welcome India's ban on some mobile applications that could serve as an addition to the CCP surveillance state."

“India’s clean application system will enhance India’s sovereignty and also enhance India’s integrity and national security, as the Government of India Cell itself has said,” he said.

TickTock's top international market was India, a popular blockbuster Chinese app for young people that allows users to upload and share short videos.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government on Monday banned 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok, WeChat, and Weibo, as relations deteriorated after a brutal border clash.

The apps are "engaged in the work of protecting India's sovereignty and integrity, India's defense, state security, and public order," the Indian Ministry of Information Technology said.

The head of Tiktok India has denied allegations that the company has shared any information from its users with foreign governments, including China.

Pompeo has taken part in a campaign with limited success to prevent other countries from adopting Chinese telecom giant Huawei, the fifth-generation Internet technology giant.

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