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Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

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Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)
Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

 Top 25 keyboards shortcuts for Windows 10 that save you the most time when working in Windows. They'll do this by learning how to split your screen multiple different ways, find your files and applications, multitask across multiple desktops, cascade your windows, shortcut your favorite program and so much more all in the name of getting you to happy hour. Shortcuts like this are the fastest way that I know of to double your productivity in whatever program you're working in and to make life a little bit easier for you, I've created a free pdf cheat sheet that you can download directly beneath this video.  

Windows search shortcut 

I believe is the most useful Windows 10 shortcut you might not be using yet and the Windows search shortcut is simply either hitting the windows key or the Ctrl + Esc key. Either one is going to launch what's now called Cortana, which allows you to hit the buttons, I'll hit the windows key and start typing something you're looking for. So if you want to find Excel, you can see Excel automatically pops up. If I type PowerPoint, notice I don't even have to continue or finish typing PowerPoint to have PowerPoint pop up. If you want to find your Bluetooth speakers or something like that, just type Bluetooth and you're gonna see Bluetooth and other devices pops up. This is the fastest way to find programs and system-level settings on your computer. You just simply hit the Windows or Ctrl + Esc key type, which is looking for, I'm looking for my mouse now. You're going to see change your mouse settings pop up. Now you can use this to look for files, so top shortcuts on your computer. You even have a document filter up top, but this is not the fastest way. I don't recommend trying to find files through this windows search shortcut. I'll show you a better shortcut for doing that. This is for settings and applications only using windows or the control escape keyboard shortcuts, 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Your favorite program shortcut 

Takes just a couple of seconds to set up and your favorite program or application shortcut is simply going to be the windows key plus the number one. And here's how it's gonna work. Here's a snapshot of my desktop. Notice I have these programs sitting at the bottom of my screen on my taskbar. Once you set this up, these become windows plus number, keyboard shortcuts. So Windows plus one, two, three, etc. Which makes sense for setting up your most frequently used programs here on your taskbar to create these easy to use shortcuts. Now I'm going to show you how to do this with Excel, but you can do this with absolutely any program on windows including the windows snipping tool if that's what you want to do as I show you in my other video. So the way to set this up, I'm going again, do Excel to set up this Windows one keyboard shortcut. I'm going to first hit Windows search to just hit the windows key. I'll start typing Excel. I don't have to finish typing Excel for it to populate here in Windows. I'll right-click the program and select pin to taskbar, pin to taskbar. Click and drag it with your mouse all the way here to the left position. So this is the number one first position now of which if I just hit the Windows one keyboard shortcut, you're going to see Excel automatically opens and I'll use a shortcut to close it. So Windows one is now going to automatically open Excel. Allowing me to dive into my favorite program if Excel was it, so I could start saving time, and if any time you want to remove the program you've pinned here just right-click, it's like unpin from the taskbar and that program is going to disappear. 

 File Explorer Shortcut

The fastest way for finding files on your computer. So whereas the Windows key, the fastest way to find programs and settings Windows E is the fastest way to find your file. So hitting Windows Eis going to launch the file explorer, which is a much more robust system, just Windows e for searching through your computer. You have filtering options, you can sort, you can look for things, you even have search filters, and I'll talk about that shortcut and just a second. So Windows E is a super important keyboard shortcut and I don't recommend putting it here in the first position for your favorite shortcut because it simply has the windows E keyboard shortcut to automatically launch your File Explorer. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Windows File Explorer Search Shortcuts

You can double up on your web browser too. So once you've launched your file explorer Windows E or you've dug into file explorer, you can always search your file explorer with Control E. So I'm gonna hit Windows Eto open up my file explorer. I'm going to click into my windows shortcuts deck. Now notice the search box. So instead of clicking in with your mouse at any time, just hit Control E and your cursor is going to automatically jump up there. So if I want to see shortcut number 12I just type 12 you can see the cascade shortcut pops open. If I want to see my snapping tool, the snapping tool shortcuts will pop up. Now the cool thing about this search folder and why it's better than the Window search, you can search by kind, size, properties, date modified. There's a lot of search functionality and options up here in your search box that I'm not going to get into, but you can get their Control E at any time. This also works, I'm going to hit windows two to open chrome, which is in the second position down on my screen in the chrome or most web browsers. If you hit Control E notice you pop up directly to the search bar, so control e when you're surfing the web, I will type our website nuts and bolts speed training there to search for something you can just Control E is automatically going to jump you up there. So it's actually a double-dipper keyboard shortcut 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Switch Application Shortcut

you're first of a few interesting multitasking shortcuts in windows 10 so your first multitasking shortcut is the Alt plus tab key to jump you between two of your most recently active programs. So here I'm in PowerPoint active. If I now move to the Word PDF cheat sheet that comes with this video If you want to download it hitting alt-tab is going to pop me back and forth between those two programs. Allowing me to maximize my screen space, right? I don't have to try to split my screen between the different programs which I'll show you how to do in a minute instead, it allows you to be full screen and just switch between your two programs. This was the first keyboard shortcut I learned in the corporate world and it's one I still use to this day, so Alt-Tab and you can see this little black screen that pops up, which I'll show you how to freeze in a second is your first multitasking shortcut for saving time, working with multiple files at the same time. 

Switch Application Freeze shortcut 

which is another way you can multitask between different programs. Your second multitasking shortcut is Alt Control Tab. So whereas Alt-Tab will jump you between your two most recent programs holding the control key in there with there and letting go is going to open up your switch application dialogue box, allowing you to click into whichever programs you want. So there's PowerPoint, here's the word, and then I could alt-tab between those two most recently active programs if you want to jump to a third program control alt-tab is going to pop open all of the open applications. So this is just another way or preference that you can jump between and multitask between files here in windows10 which leads us to the newest way to multitask in Windows 10 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

 Windows 10 multitasking view shortcut 

So instead of hitting Alt plus the tab key to switch applications, now you can also hit the Windows key plus the tab key to open up this new multitasking view. So the Windows tab is going to open up. You're going to see all of your open programs. And the newest thing is you can now scroll through the most recent documents you've worked on here in the multitasking view. So the Windows tab will show you not only the programs you have to work with, not only the most recent programs that you've been working with, but this is also where you can manage your virtual desktops. And I'll talk about managing these virtual desktops and flipping between them in just a second. So this is yet another way windows tab that you can choose, this is a personal preference if this is how you want to switch programs and multitask in Windows 10. 

Switch Virtual Desktop Shortcut

which is good for setting up three, four, or more documents that you want to work on at the same time. Your switch virtual desktop shortcut is Control Windows plus the left or right Arrow. But first, you need to set this up. So hit the windows tab on your keyboard to open up your multitasking view. So here on my second virtual desktop, you can add as many virtual desktops as you want. Let's say I want to work on this excel file, and I also want to work on this pdf cheat sheet here in Word. So here on my second desktop, if I click into it, I'm only going to see my word document and my excel document. All right, which I can Alt-Tab between hereon my second virtual desktop. If I Windows Control to the left, I'm gonna move back to my other desktop, where I have this PowerPoint file and this folder. So here on this first virtual desktop, I can alt-tab between the two as I'm working away. When I then want to work on my excel and word document, control windows to the Right Arrow, and I can then flip between just those two documents. So, in this way you can create multiple virtual desktops that you can then flip between multiple files and anytime just windows tab, you can click into a virtual desktop and just click and drag files onto the other desktop if you want to work on them there. 

Minimize All Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

which I like to call it the desktop drill. If you're like most people I know you're probably using your desktop as an open place holder for your active folders or files that you're working on, which can be problematic for finding those files when you have a bunch of different windows open like this, so this is where the Windows D desktop drill or minimize all your windows keyboard shortcut Windows D comes in handy so Windows D will immediately take you to your desktop, minimizing all of your open or active windows. If you don't open anything, if hitting Windows D, the second time we'll bring everything back into its place that you already have open. But if you do Windows D there is the keyboard shortcut pdf you can download directly beneath this video that I want to work on. As I open that up now Windows D will just keep that one open and all my other windows will stay minimized. So this is a super-fast way if you to use your desktop as an open place holder from working on your files to find the files that are buried beneath all your active windows on your desktop. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

 Minimize All but One Windows Shortcut 

 Let's say that I have this folder open and I want to Windows D get this word document into that folder. The question is how do you do that without all right? Having to minimize all of these windows individually, what you need to do is simply grab the window this is just a mouse keyboard shortcut and shake. So, for example, if grab this window and with my mouse, I click and hold and I shake. Notice that I minimize all windows except the open window so that I can then click and drag. All right, that document here into this folder, windows shake again and all of the other windows will open up. This is also useful. Alright, there's a window shake. Imagine if this was my email server. I want it to windows shakedown. I wanted to grab something, attach it to an email window shake back open, and all of the other applications will open again. Just make sure that when you're doing this, you give it a sharp little shake and a sharp little shake. Again, to activate the shortcut. So that's you minimize all but one window mouse shortcut. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Split-Screen Windows or Windows Snap Shortcuts 

split-screen shortcuts are really four different keyboard shortcuts, but I'm just going to count them as one for this video. So windows plus the left, right up or Down Arrow keys. And the way this works, let's say I want to split screen this PowerPoint file out windows to the left. Windows will automatically assume that I don't already have a window split here will give me some options. I'm going to split this between my pdf shortcut cheat sheet, which you can download directly beneath this video with all these windows shortcuts. So here is a double split screen. I can select my PowerPoint file and windows up to create the third split. You can even go to a fourth split if you want, but basically, you're just using the windows up, right, left down Arrow keys to creating these different splits and as long as you have, don't have something split there. Alright, windows to the left, you're going to get the option to split another working document and I'll show you a cool PowerPoint trick in just a second. But another cool thing is you can set up windows control to the right. If you set up multiple virtual desktops, I will window to the right snap that one. You can have two files here or three files or four files. Snapped like this, control windows to the left. You can have two more files like this. So, this is another way that you can create a unique multitasking scenario if you're working with a ton of different files and you need to flip back and forth between them. Now one cool little PowerPoint trick here is that not a lot of people know about is if you split your PowerPoint files, you can actually take one slide from one presentation and just drag it into the other, which creates a copy of those slides. I'll take these holding shift, I'll drag them over there. This is a fast way. If you work back and forth between presentations in PowerPoint to get slides from one presentation into another. If you want to learn a bunch of other cool PowerPoint hacks and tricks like this, check out my free mini-series in the description box below this video. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Cascade an Un-Cascade Shortcuts

Top shortcut number 12 number 13th Your cascade un-cascade shortcuts is a combination of right-clicking your mouse and hitting the d or the U key, but you have to right-click your taskbar. So, in this case, look, I have all these open files. Let's say I want to cascade them all. I just right click and hit d. All of my files will cascade, allowing me to either come through and close them out by clicking these x's and I'll show you a keyboard shortcut for doing that in a minute. You could also click to find your program you're looking for. If you right-click and hit U, it will bring all of your files or open windows back to how they currently were or previously were. So right Click D will cascade quickly, right-click, U will Un-cascade. The key is you do have to right click your taskbar to make those keyboard shortcuts work. 

Show Windows Stack Shortcuts 

which is a fast alternative to snapping or cascading your open windows? Another cool shortcut off of your task part is to right-click it and hit E to see all of your windows stacked, which will help you work with lots of files and windows. So, if I have a bunch of windows open, if I hit the alt control tab, you can say have a bunch of different files open. If I want us to see them stacked on my desktop, I can right-click and hit E, which will stack all of my open windows and these little miniaturized windows, right-click. U will undo that. So right-click E will stack all of the multiple windows you have open you can find the window you want, snap it to the sides of your computer screen, and create that split-screen effect. And here, I'll split the screen with my PowerPoint file. So that's, your right-click your taskbar E stack windows keyboard shortcut. 

Cycle Application Shortcut 

which works great when working with your Microsoft Office documents. The cycle application shortcuts control F6 and what that does is cycle whatever program you're in. So, if I'm in a word, all right, notice I have two-word files open. If I Alt-Tab, I'm going to pop back to PowerPoint because that's where I just was. But if I'm in Word and I hit Control F6I'm just going to cycle between whatever word files I have open so I don't have to worry about my excel or my PowerPoint files. If I then go back to PowerPoint, I come to cycle applications and me ControlF6 I'm just going to cycle through, which will save you a bunch of time from otherwise having to find the file that you want to work on next. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Close File Shortcut

which you can double dip on with the multitasking view shortcut windows tab. The windows 10 close file shortcut control w which will close out of the file without closing out the application. So for example, here is an excel file it's open, it's blank. If I hit Control W I will close out of the file, but Excel stays open so I can continue working in it, opening new documents, et cetera. But if you have multiple right here, I have one PowerPoint file open, here I have two PowerPoint files open. If I hit Control Won this PowerPoint file, that entire window will close because I still have this application open. So, control w is a fast way, right? To just close out of a file you ‘reworking on and if you've made an edit, so I've edited that I control w it's still going to ask you to save so you're never going to lose your work when you use Control W to close a file and to multitask off it in the multitasking view. As you start to walk around here, you can control w keyboard shortcut to close out of these different files, which here if there's no more file open and we'll also close out of the application. So that's a little double-dipper keyboard shortcut for control w that you can use in the multitasking view shortcut windows tab on your keyboard. 

Close Application Shortcut 

which is a more intense version of the close file shortcut hitting Alt F4 on your keyboard. Will close out of your file and your applications. So, if I come to that pdf cheat sheet that I keep opening, you can download directly beneath this video. If I hit Alt F4 and I've made no changes Word and the file you can see, Word is no longer open. Whereas if you're in a file so you don’t have to worry about losing your work, if you change something Alt F4 it will ask if you want to save your changes before you actually close out of the file and the program and where you can use this as a double-dipper with the Windows D keyboard shortcut. So, Windows D to your desktop Alt F4 will actually launch you're shut down windows operation hit enter and your computer will start to shut down, automatically sleep, et cetera. So that is your Alt F4 close application or actually even close down your computer keyboard shortcut. 

New Application Shortcut

which is great for moving things around with file explorer. The new application shortcut is just controlled N which will create a new instance control N we'll create a new instance of whatever application you're currently in. But where this really is useful. If I hit Windows E to launch my file explorer, let's say here in my file explorer, I want to crawl through some of these different folders, but I want to drag folders in between so I can hit Control N to also create a new file explorer windows left arrow will snap it, I will snap or a split screen with this one. This now allows me to dig through the different files on my computer and you know, start to drag things left to right, et cetera. So that is the Windows New application shortcut, which is extremely useful when creating split screens with your file explorers to move files around your computer. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Create New Folder Shortcut

Similar to the new application shortcut control N. If you throw in a shift key, you can create a new folder on your desktop or in any file explorer window. So if I Windows E to open file explorer, let's say I'm here in this window ControlShift N will start a new folder that I can name, I'll name it Taylor's folder, hit enter Control Shift Nwill create another one. That's just the fast way you can create a bunch of new folders to move files around in file explorer or if you're on your desktop or Windows D control shift N will create a new folder here as well. So that is the new folder, keyboard shortcut control shift N on your keyboard. 

 Create New Office File Shortcut 

Quickly loading up the new folders you create in file explorer. Once you've created some new folders, you can right-click w and select to load up your new folders with new office files. If I just windows D to come back to that new folder I created just a second ago, if I now want to load this up with new office documents I can right-click and W will open up this little flywheel that lets me add right a Microsoft word document, Taylor's word document. Let's say that this is a project. So I'm also going to right-click I'm gonna need an excel file. I'm going to right-click I'm not going to name it. So there's just a fast way that you can throw a bunch of different document types into a folder without having to first open the file, save as et cetera. You can then open these and they will start a new blank file that you can work with. So that is the create a new office file shortcut, right-click with your mouse within a new folder, hit w, and just simply select what you want to create. 

File Explorer Navigation Shortcuts 

which also works when surfing the web. Your navigational shortcuts are Alt plus left arrow to move backward and Alt plus right Arrow to move forward. So if I Windows E, open up my file explorer and I dig into, all right, this folder, I'll dig into another folder. Alt-left Arrow is going to walk me back the same direction I, I just came from and Alt forward arrow will walk me forward. Now it's important to know that this is only following your history of how you walked through your folders. All right, this is not jumping you up a folder level which you can click up here to jump up a folder level, so this is just all left Arrow to walk you back. All right Arrow to walk you forwards, which is the same keyboard shortcut you can use for going forwards and backward in most modern web browsers. 

 Preview File Shortcut 

which saves you from otherwise having to open and close a bunch of files to find what you're looking for. A great shortcut for the file explorer is Alt plus P to preview a file before you have to open it. So if I open up a file explorer, let's say that I'm not sure which one of these documents is the one I want to find. So I just select the file Alt P. Will open up a preview pane and you can see exactly what that file looks like before you open it. Now if I click on a word document, you can see, I can also scroll through the document to find or see if this is the actual file before I actually open it. So this is a super-fast way to quickly view your files. Now just one little head up because this does use your system ram. When you're not using it. I would just hit Alt P to close back out of it. So that's Alt P to open or close the preview pane in your file explorer. 

 Document Property Shortcut 

Quickly getting information about a file or folder. To see the properties for a file or folder in windows 10 simply hold the alt key and double click it with your mouse. So if I Windows D my desktop, I'm trying to save space on my computer, I can Alt Double-Click to immediately see how big this folder is when it was created or there are some other security settings. But generally, I'm just looking for size. So if I want to see this folder Alt double click, this one's only six kg double click, this one 703 megabytes, so there's just a fast way. Then if I open up a folder, Alt double click will show you all the property details for that file as well. So that is the file or folder property shortcut and just hold the alt key on your keyboard and double-click with your mouse. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

Screen Clipping Shortcut

Top shortcut number 24 one of my personal favorites, Now in Windows 10, you have a couple of applications to help you clip your screen. You have the new windows ink workspace and you have the snipping tool which I show you how to shortcut in my other videos here on Youtube, my favorite screen clipping shortcut and is Windows Shift S which used to be a OneNote shortcut, but now it's just windows 10 windows shift S will white-out your screen. You can click and drag. All right, to snip whatever part of it you want, and if you paste it into a newer version of PowerPoint, you're now going to get these new slide design ideas. Which is a fast way to create slide backgrounds, which you can check out my other video if you want to see how to leverage this best? But the great thing about adding your screen clippings here in PowerPoint is if you Shift F5 you can if you have a pen or with your mouse control P is the inking shortcut. If you don't have a pen, you can create this inking scenario. All right? But when you hit escape and select keep, this becomes a second layer on top of your PowerPoint slide. You can also another advantage, I talk about my other videos. All right, is you can add annotations or banners and stuff like that. So that is my favorite way to clip my screen in windows 10 with the Windows Shift S shortcut. And finally 

 Action Center Shortcut 

Finding your system-level settings on your computer and your action center the shortcut is just windows A, hitting windows A will open up some of the most frequently-used things you'll probably want to do on your computer, which is why it made this top 25 list. 

Top 25 Windows Shortcuts That Save Time (Windows 10)

All settings, change your networks, tablet mode, airplane mode, change the brightness, see what kind of Bluetooth devices you have connected to your computer Windows A will open them all up to you even have a project to other monitors, which will save you a bunch of time Windows A, when you want to do these things on your computer. Now yours might start to collapse. Simply Click expand to see all the different options you have here with the Windows A keyboard shortcut. And that wraps up these top 25 keyboard shortcuts that save you the most time when working in Windows 10 and we'll start to double your productivity. 

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