Google has good news for your old Android phone-2021 - Saralmontech - Easy And Simple Tech - Simplified!

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Google has good news for your old Android phone-2021

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Google has good news for your old Android phone

Google has good news for your old Android phone-2021

Recently, there have been reports of malicious virus attacks on various devices. Although the chances are a bit low due to the advanced technology in the newly launched device, the chances of the old device being damaged by a malicious attack are very high. That's why tech giant Google has taken an important step to protect users' old Android devices. To protect older Android phones from malware and Harmful Advertisement Tracker, Google has reportedly introduced a privacy protection feature on all older Android phones.

Google has good news for your old Android phone-2021

Older Android phones come with a privacy protection feature

We know that with the release of Android 11, Google Has been turned on auto-resetting permissions. If an app has not been used for several months, this feature prevents that app from accessing storage, mic, camera, and other sensitive features. It also prevents the app from gathering information in the background. Google will bring the same feature to older Android phones so that no app can access data from the phone when not in use.

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All Android phones running Android 6.0 (API Level 23) and later operating systems will automatically get this privacy protection feature, and according to Google, it will protect billions of Android phones. Meanwhile, The Verge reports that the feature will be available in December on all devices running older versions of Android between 8 and 10, including Google Play services.

Google has good news for your old Android phone-2021

By the way, if you have an old Android phone unused, you should delete your Google Accounts from there and perform a factory reset so that no app or anyone else can access your personal data stored on your old phone.

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