How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021 - Saralmontech - Easy And Simple Tech - Simplified!

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How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

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 How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Nowadays we can use  reaction emoji buttons to make our website and blog look more professional and attractive. One of the major reasons for adding reaction emoji is that it allows us to collect user feedback. This feedback is very important to us, through this feedback we can know the good and bad of our blog or website. From this, we can further improve the content value of our blog or website.

ShareThis is a website that provides emoji response buttons for free, compatible with mobile and desktop sites. Do you really think you need a feedback button? If you need it, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

For those who do not have a ShareThis account

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Note: Before applying this process, you must have a backup of your blog theme. So that if there is any mistake in the code, it can be recovered and restored. 

Step 1 

Go to this link and click GET SHARE BUTTON. after that you click the Reaction Button.

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Step 2 

Then click Customize your Reaction Buttons, if you have one you can customize the Reaction Buttons after that click the Next button.

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Step 3

Sign up with ShareThis by entering your details. When you're done, click the sign-up button. The onboarding feedback page will open.

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Step 4

Onboarding Reaction page. This page contains the codes you need to copy and install on your website.

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

After installing your code, click the Continue to Dashboard button at the bottom of the Onboarding Response page. Your dashboard will open and you will be asked to add a new domain where you want to use the ShareThis product.

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Step5. Once you click the Add New Domain button your ShareThis Emoji Response button will be activated.

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Setp 6. To make your work, be sure to enable this ShareThis code that you have installed from step 4 above, please make sure you add your first code after the <head> or before </head> section of your website. The Activate Code button is located at the top right of your dashboard. Click on it and click on the active button at the bottom. Wait a few seconds for the activation successful notification message before leaving your dashboard. You should now see the code activated after activating the code.

Follow step # 4 below to customize your response button alignment if left, center left, or right.

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Step 7. Wherever you want to show the product. Paste this code there. The code is showing below, After Complete this Process Your  Reaction Emoji Show Up on Your Website or Blog. 

If you want to show Emoji Reaction at the bottom of any post, go to Edit HTML and paste the code above <div class = "post-footer">.


<!-- ShareThis BEGIN -->
<div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div>
<!-- ShareThis END -->

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

For those who have a ShareThis account

Follow the link below to activate and add the ShareThis feedback buttons if you already have an account and have ShareThis.js installed and verified.

Step1. Log in to your account.

Step 2.  Click the Apps Directory section tab at the top left of your dashboard and click the Reaction Button menu

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Step 3. Copy the placement code below under <Data: post. body /> or wherever you want to show the product. This code is what makes your product work!


<!-- ShareThis BEGIN -->
<div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div>
<!-- ShareThis END -->

How To Add Reaction Emojis in Blogger 2021

Follow the whole process well then you can use the reaction  emoji button in the right way on website or blog. I hope you understand. If you like the article, don't forget to like, share and comment. I am motivated by your likes and shares to write a better article.

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